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The Hypertext BlockChain allows everyone to control their contributions, acts and undertakings, both in terms of risk and valuation

The Hypertext BlockChain allows everyone to control their contributions, acts and undertakings, both in terms of risk and valuation

General Presentation

Our mission is to accompany private, public and non-governmental organizations in the discovery and integration of "decentralized cooperative organizations".



Where any action in the organization is an act of legal value
→ dated and certified.

Where any subject (actor or association) owns its acts
→ possibility of carrying out transactions between peers or collective

Where each actor can navigate at will in all structuring dimensions of the organization
→ "regular" and interactive navigation

Where the number of structuring dimensions is not fixed a priori
→ dimensions of socialization or "business dimensions"

Where time is a structuring dimension
→ Every object is a view of its elaboration process

Where W3C standards apply
→ XML, DOM, XSL, ...

Where the number of servers and actors is not bounded a priori
→ Create gateways with any other system, peer or third party